Last week, I was showing Anderson a video of himself...
(Notice my thick accent? Also of interest, look for my comment about Anderson waving bye-bye to Daddy; he was hand-flapping and I was in denial. My how things change...)
* "When we were finished with Rex and Darla, we got Haddie. When we finish with Haddie, we will get another dog!" Ummm, we don't...'finish'...dogs.
* "Rex and Darla are in heaven. I'm going to get in the car and drive to heaven."
* "When we go to Nana and Papaw's, I'm going to go to heaven."
* Me: "Man! I can't find that pencil! It's gone!"
A: "Just like Rex and Darla..."
* "When you're dead, you never see me again."
He doesn't mean to be morbid; he just doesn't understand. And no amount of explaining, comparing, or discussing is helping at this point. We're just going to have to wait this one out and continue to do the best we can with the explanations. All while trying not to pull out our hair because of the monotony of the repeated, endless conversation.
In other Anderson news, he continues to struggle with settling in at night. He's still totally obsessed with the idea that the power could go out in the middle of the night, unfortunately. As a result, he's not getting to bed at a decent hour. He's starting to get dark circles under his little eyes. I think when he goes for his check-up next month, I'm going to talk to his doctor about what we might be able to do in terms of helping him settle at night and get some good rest. He's a grouchy bear and he's got to work on giving up his afternoon naps before Kindergarten next year. Sigh.
Leaving you with a fun, never-before-seen video of him. As I've mentioned before, he LOVES music like me. Loves it. It's kind of funny; his new favorite genre of music is alt-indie (so is mine...coincidence?). When he hears something that sounds like this kind of music, he says, "Is that a dark doors song?" He knows that alt-indie is what they play in Hollister 24/7, so that's what he calls this type of music. Anyway, he is also musical himself. He walks around, banging two objects together as percussion, and he..."sings". Except he doesn't say words. He says approximations of words. You know, kind of like you do when you're listening to Pearl Jam. You never know the actual words, so you just say whatever nonsense words sound fitting and match the music. He does that, and it's both fascinating and hilarious. Hilarious because he doesn't care at all if anyone sees or hears him and he's often loud, and fascinating because the boy completely, 100% understands rhythm. The rhythm (or off-beat rhythm) that he keeps with his "drum" and the way he coordinates his "words" in time with his beat is pretty impressive. Anyway, I videoed the other day. Enjoy.
HAHA! Best accent ever!